Friday, October 28, 2011

Cancer Scare

About four months ago I found a lump in my right breast.  I didn't think too much of it because I have found lumps before only to be told by my doctor that it was just breast tissue.  Two weeks ago I went to the doctor and was told that this lump was not breast tissue.  I was not expecting that response.  I immediately called my husband, Jason.  We discussed the possibilities and I did a lot of research.  Jason and I spent the last couple of weeks crying, praying, laughing, and trusting the One who wrote our story.  Jason always tells me we are in the midst of our story.  We didn't know how the Author of this story would choose to end it but we relinquished our will to His.  Today I went for a mammogram and an ultrasound.  I was expecting them to send the results to my doctor.  I was taken a back when they told me the radiologist would tell me my results today.  I called Jason immediately.  I didn't want to be alone to hear the outcome.  He left school to be by my side.  We are now praising the Lord for the results.  The radiologist showed us the images and told us that it appears the lump is a fibroid and not cancerous.  I will need have a biopsy to make sure, but this is an answer to prayer.  Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I was an elementary teacher for the last six years and now I'm not.  
Being a wife is very different I must admit, but completely worth the change.  Change is not always a bad thing.  I believe the Lord uses change to force us to grow.
I knew my first year teaching that the job would require more of me than anything else I had ever experienced.  It was the first time all of me was used in a job.  But maybe because it wasn't a "job".  It was my ministry.  I came home physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally spent.  Although it was the hardest thing I had ever done, it was the most rewarding.  I have always been a lover of learning.  I quickly became a lover of teaching.  There's nothing like having an impact on a young child's life, especially when you see that child come to know the Lord.  I will never forget the students that came to me year after year wanting more.  Wanting to know the Lord more deeply.  I feel it a privilege to have been used by the Lord to kindle a fire for Him in their hearts.  
Now, I'm a wife.  It has been a little over two months.  Being a wife has been easier than I expected it to be.  Of course, I'm just a newlywed.  What do I know?  What I do know is that I have a wonderful husband.  Not the kind that you wake up next to and wonder, "Who is this man?"  I wake up feeling completely blessed by the man that God has given me.  He's not perfect.  Although, he says the same things that the Mr. Perfect doll says.  I'm definitely not perfect.  He is wonderful. I left teaching so that I could be the wife the Lord would have me be.  I know that there are a lot of teachers who are also wives and mothers.  I don't know how they do it.  I'm sure they are great at it all.  That's not me.  Whatever I do, I do with all my energy.  So much so, that if I were teaching now, I would be too exhausted to do anything else.
I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for my life now.  I'm planning to start a Bible study with some former students.  I would love to volunteer as a counselor for young girls too.  Everything is so new now.
More to come.